
Exceptions are available directly in the tweepy module, which means tweepy.errors itself does not need to be imported. For example, tweepy.errors.TweepyException is available as tweepy.TweepyException.

exception tweepy.errors.TweepyException

기반 클래스: Exception

Base exception for Tweepy

버전 4.0에서 변경: Renamed from TweepError

exception tweepy.errors.HTTPException(response)

기반 클래스: tweepy.errors.TweepyException

Exception raised when an HTTP request fails

exception tweepy.errors.BadRequest(response)

기반 클래스: tweepy.errors.HTTPException

Exception raised for a 400 HTTP status code

버전 4.0에 추가.

exception tweepy.errors.Unauthorized(response)

기반 클래스: tweepy.errors.HTTPException

Exception raised for a 401 HTTP status code

버전 4.0에 추가.

exception tweepy.errors.Forbidden(response)

기반 클래스: tweepy.errors.HTTPException

Exception raised for a 403 HTTP status code

버전 4.0에 추가.

exception tweepy.errors.NotFound(response)

기반 클래스: tweepy.errors.HTTPException

Exception raised for a 404 HTTP status code

버전 4.0에 추가.

exception tweepy.errors.TooManyRequests(response)

기반 클래스: tweepy.errors.HTTPException

Exception raised for a 429 HTTP status code

버전 4.0에서 변경: Renamed from RateLimitError

exception tweepy.errors.TwitterServerError(response)

기반 클래스: tweepy.errors.HTTPException

Exception raised for a 5xx HTTP status code

버전 4.0에 추가.